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Interpreting Health Benefits and Risks (with Erik Rifkin)

Interpreting Health Benefits and Risks (with Erik Rifkin)
A Practical Guide to Facilitate Doctor-Patient Communication 2015th Edition.

Published by Springer, Andy and his colleague, Erik Rifkin, tackle common health care decisions through a simple lens:  in a theater of 1000 seats, how many people will benefit and how many will be harmed by what the doctor is telling you is necessary and life saving.  The results may surprise you!  In a health system that preaches the need for more of everything--more medicines, more tests, more procedures, more doctor visits--doctors, the media, and "experts" who preach their creed use deceptive statistics and other tricks to sell their wares to a trusting public.


Our book distills the truth down to its core:  how many people will benefit and how many people will be hurt by all these interventions?  A theater is a familiar setting, and seeing yourself as a seat in one can help you to understand if that "necessary" drug or test is right for you.  We use vibrant data to develop our theaters.  On our website, we also put the information into brief videos to help you to make the choice that is right for you, some of which we have included below.


Whether cancer screening, cholesterol treatment, a stress test, a stent, dementia drugs, and so much more, this book will help you to help yourself.

“Shared decision making, informed medical decision making, and evidence based medicine are all clarion calls for a patient-physician dialogue that will enlighten health care in the 21st Century. But calling for such and engaging in such are not the same. Both patients and doctors must first learn how to communicate at a level that makes the patient the captain of the ship, the doctor the navigator. Interpreting Health Benefits offers such a language.”

Nortin Hadler, MD, MACP, FACOEM.  Professor of Medicine, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.  Author of Rethinking Aging and The Last Well Person.


Rifkin and Lazris Introduction Part 1

Rifkin and Lazris Introduction Part 2

Researchers Paint A Picture Of Health Benefits And Risks-
Click Here


If you’re interested in history, health, or a wide array of fiction that spans historical Civil War epics to a trilogy of Jewish history to multiple dystopian novels surrounding COVID, you've come to the right place.  Learn about my books, read my blog, and become part of the conversation to help make this world a better place for all.  Feel free to contact me with the email below.  You can also follow me on X and facebook.


Andy Lazris

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