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Curing Medicare

Curing Medicare
A Doctor's View on How Our Health Care System Is Failing Older Americans and How We Can Fix It (Cornell Univeristy Press)


Through his own personal stories as a doctor, and through copious data, the author shows what is wrong with our approach to health care for the elderly, how we can fix the system, and how each patient can improve their own care.


“In Curing Medicare, Dr. Lazris seeks to redefine "thorough" - and not simply to humanize our profession, but to protect the elderly from the harms of too much medical care.   It is a passionate, but thoughtful, critique of medicine's relentless focus on numbers, unimportant measures of performance, and turning people into patients.”  -H. Gilbert Welch, MD  

 “Lazris, a primary care geriatric physician and medical director at facilities for the frail elderly, advocates a minimalist approach to medical intervention for many chronic health problems of advanced age, including dementia. With an insider’s view, the author does an excellent job of diagnosing pervasive problems in the Medicare system.  A fascinating look at how Medicare must change.”

 Shannon Brownlee Washington Monthly Book Review, Vice President Lown Institute, Author of Overtreated


If you’re interested in history, health, or a wide array of fiction that spans historical Civil War epics to a trilogy of Jewish history to multiple dystopian novels surrounding COVID, you've come to the right place.  Learn about my books, read my blog, and become part of the conversation to help make this world a better place for all.  Feel free to contact me with the email below.  You can also follow me on X and facebook.


Andy Lazris

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