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A podcast by a doctor telling you all the dark and dirty secrets of my profession and how to understand what docs say and use it to become wiser and healthier! I separate myth from truth so you can be a better advocate for yourself.
Remember the three keys to health:
eat well, exercise, and stay away from doctors!

Episode One: Tell you the truth about healthcare

Episode Two: A fib and Medical Deception

Episode Three: How medical statistics trick us

Episode Four: Why doctors won't tell you the truth

Episode Five: Why patients believe medical myths

Episode Thirteen: The Racism built into our Flexnerian system

Episode Fifteen: Debunking the Cholesterol Myth

Episode Seventeen: Is your Doctor a Robot?

Episode Nineteen: The Gospel of Cardiology Book Three: Eliquis

Episode Six: The bricks of medical deception

Episode Seven: Pimps and drug dealers

Episode Eight: It's all about numbers

Episode Nine: The outcomes that matter

Episode Ten: The downside of what your doc does

Episode Twelve: The Seeds of our Medical Mess, Part Two

Episode Fourteen: The Medical Biostate

Episode Sixteen: Debunking the PSA Myth

Episode Eighteen: The Religion of Health Care

Episode Twenty: The Gospel of Cancer, Book Two, Prostate Cancer

Episode Twenty-One: The Sciency Song and the Voice of Medical Religiosity
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